This is class blog for CSE494/598 at ASU. The class homepage is
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The extra credit points
(hopefully) final cumulatives
Monday, December 12, 2011
Submitting the final
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Clarification re: I.2
Re: Clarification on Qn VIII
I notice you replaced A's pay rate with per-click, did you also mean to replace B's rate with per-click?On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:
In the first part of the question VIII, please change "per impression" to "per click" (basically, the advertiser won't payunless the user actually goes to the advertiser's page by clicking on the ad)VIII. [3+3] A search engine has bids on advertisements from two advertisers, A and B.Assume that A and B want their ads to be shown w.r.t the same query Q. Suppose furtherthat the search engine cannot show more than one advertisement. A is willing to pay 20cper XXimpressionXX click . B is willing to pay 10c per impression. How should the search enginedecide as to whose ad it should show? Pay particular attention to whether the searchengine has all the information to make a decision, and if it needs more information, howit will get it.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Clarification on Qn VIII
Friday, December 9, 2011
one of the search engine projects from the class
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Final released...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Heads up on the last question of the exam..
[IX] [15pt] [Required for 598 students. Optional-extra-credit for 494 ones]
For the purposes of this question, assume that you are planning to pick a topic for your next research paper (presumably because you want to make progress towards your dissertation/thesis). Here is the link to the proceedings of WWW 2011
Suppose you are trying to work on extending one of these papers. Select a paper. Read at least the abstract and introduction. Now, use only the space given to answer:
· In your words write down what the paper is trying to do and how it is related to what we discussed in the course.
· What follow-on work would you be interested in doing on the paper and why?
[Corrected] Re: Solutions for the social networks extra credit homework posted
I didn't have the solution for the last question. basically, you should see a straight line (or close to one) if you plot# citations w.r.t. rank.The slope of that closest fit line is the rRao
final exam will be take home
fulton course evaluations
Solutions for the social networks extra credit homework posted
Monday, December 5, 2011
On the new-found zeal for tweetnotes and blog posts...
OpenII--Open source Information integration suite
Latest snapshot of the gradebook
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Class participation questionnaire--please bring it in hard-copy to Tuesday's class
Poll on Final Exam format
Friday, December 2, 2011
[CSE494] Signup link for demo slots
Here is the link to sign up for demo slots. Please just put in a fake phone number when signing up.
To reiterate, each demo slot will be 10-12 minutes long, and will involve you running some queries using all of the parts of the project you implemented and telling me about any extra credit parts you implemented. All the demos will be held in BYENG 558 (the office right next to Dr Rao’s.)
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
[CSE 494] Demo time slots registration will open 5pm today
Just a quick heads up – at 5:30pm today, I will send out a link that will allow you to register for time slots for the demo. The demo slots are Monday to Friday all next week (12/5 – 12/9), between 1 and 4pm. Each demo will be 10 to 12 minutes long, and I will ask you to run a few sample queries on every part of the project and tell me about any extra credit you have implemented.
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
DUE: 12/6: Mandatory Interactive Review Blog qn (You should post your answer as a comment to this thread )
"List five nontrivial ideas you came to appreciate during the course of this semester"
(You cannot list generic statements like "I thought pagerank was cool". Any cross-topic connections
you saw are particularly welcome. )
Note that you must post your response as a comment to this particular message on the class blog.
All comments must be done by the beginning of Tuesday's class (12/6).
If you have forgotten what we have done, see the class home page for a description.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
masochist special: cse471 seats for grad students...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Google to penalize pages that shows too many ads
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
On the question of whether relational schemas can capture books with multiple authors
Colorless green ideas and universal grammar
Colorless green ideas sleeping furiously (Chomsky, Universal Grammars etc. (Long.))
- To:
- Subject: Colorless green ideas sleeping furiously (Chomsky, Universal Grammars etc. (Long.))
- From: "Subbarao Kambhampati" <>
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 23:14:06 -0700
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta;; h=received:message-id:date:from:sender:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:x-google-sender-auth; b=DZcxkBhR/QwDSmP8JAKwyKQUzBNXY6RB/pBRq0QUXJY70J25FuBrGZDA6BivzEXgEGFmrFZb7nst+Q6ZMt0eyon7XcKSTFHAcSpPU9R9+pcKBWremnY+gW4IwIS5wrH74a3msuNVztExR4UMPpcogLfAd+iocBrXJ5hsEu7ZE6s=
- Sender:
As I mentioned in the class today, for the longest time, and by that I
mean, until well into late 50's, the conventional scientific wisdom
was that infants come into this world with a "Tabula Rasa" (blank slate) mind, and pick up everything by learning (supervised or
reinforced) and observation. The reigning doctrine was
"behaviorism"--you can condition/reinforce any behavior into any
organism. To behaviorists, children were but cuter (pavlovian) rats, and language acquisition was no different than a acquisition of maze
following skills. B.F. Skinner was the leading exponent of behaviorism
and was, in early fifties, writing book after book expounding on how
behaviorism can explain all sorts of human behavior.
[Skinner was such an ardent behaviorist that there was even an
apocryphal urban legend that said he raised his own daughter in a
"skinner box" to test his behaviorism hypotheses--see ]
When Skinner came around to applying behaviorism explanations to
language acquisition and wrote the book on "Verbal Behavior", it was expected to further shore up the behaviorism doctrine, and become a
classic. What became a classic instead is a critical scholarly 1959
"review" of the book by a then little-known linguist named Noam
Chomsky ( ).
Chomsky essentially killed the book as well as much of the euphoria of behaviorism by an arugment that has since then come to be known as
the "poverty of stimulus" argument. He said that behaviorism and
stimulus/response reinforcement does not quite explain how it is that children seem to be able to generate sentences that they have never
heard of. In other words, there are not enough examples (hence a
poverty of "stimuli") for the children to learn entire
language--grammar and sentences together (even for children--such as mine--with overly talkative parents ;-) [You note that the argument
that something cannot be learned is being done in terms of the
the inordinate number of examples needed to learn it. As we saw in
the class, difficulty of learning tasks is measured in terms of "sample complexity".]
As an alternative explanation, Chomsky cited his own work on
"generative grammars"--a set of grammar rules that can generate
"grammatically correct" sentences from a language. He said that it must be the case that children come into the world with grammar rules
already in their head. Since the grammars of different world languages
are different, he posited that the children come into this world with
a "universal" grammar. Using the language being spoken around them,
they then set the "parameters" (or knobs, if you will) on their
universal grammar such that it becomes customized to the specific language environment they are in. Once they have the customized
grammar, they then are in the business of learning word sense (or
semantics). "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" is one of
Chomsky's famous examples, which he uses to show that even small kids
with limited vocabularies can tell automatically whether a sentence is
grammatically correct. [Even here, in learning semantics, children
come into the world with pretty strong biases--including the so-called
"whole object hypothesis". If I point towards a big moving bus and say
"Bus", the kid hypothesizes that the whole big thing is called
bus--not just the wheels, or the hubcaps, or some subset of the
parts. Pretty strong bias, come to think of it--what if I said
"Driver" pointing towards the driver side of the bus?]
Chomsky of course went on to become the demi-god of cognitive science
in general, and mathematical linguistics in particular (and you obviously heard of him in your CSE 355, when you probably learned
about the Chomskian hierarchy of languages--which is in terms of their
grammar complexity). A lot of research has been done since Chomsky's
original work, to shore up the support for the universal grammar
hypothesis. It is so much of an accepted fact (dogma) now that it
(universal grammar) in turn is seen as yet another evidence that all
humans evolved from a common set of ancestors--as against evolving
separately and independently (the "Lucy" theory, ; by the
way Don Johanson, who found Lucy skeleton in Ethiopia, is right here
at ASU--check out ). The basic
argument is that the rank similarity of the human languages cannot be
explained without it. (Of course, there are much stronger arguments for the common ancestor theory--including the fact that we are all
same species--any man from anywhere in the world can mate with any
woman from anywhere in the world and produce healthy offspring).
So that is some of the background on the universal grammar. By the way, note that none of the above says that conditioning will not be
effective in changing ones behavior--you probably saw the recent press
accounts of the infamous Wendell Johnson orphan stuttering experiments
( All
Chomsky's argument says is that conditioning and reinforcement are
only part of the story and cannot alone explain language acquisition; evolution did a whole other part too.
Now for a couple of references. Probably the best-written lay-person
book on human language acquisition is Steven Pinker's "Language
A very nice and eminently watchable 3-part PBS series on language
acquisition is "Human Language"
That is all for now. Now for more important things like Seinfeld rerun
already in progress.
Epilogue/Postscript: These days of course, a search on Chomsky on the
web is more likely to turn up references to his political views than
his linguistic ones. He is sort of a one-man vocal and loyal
opposition for many of the US government policies. For example, he
wrote one of the first dissenting "non-party line" opinions of the 9/11. Whether I agree with him or not, I am grateful that there is
someone unafraid of speaking his mind--especially in these days of
hyper-patriotism, where FBI thinks it normal to monitor you because
you are against war, and your freedoms are being re-defined as the ones Ashcroft hasn't yet gotten around to excising into the "Patriot
"I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who
were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father's one of
[..] "I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks in the world,
least that's what they seemed like."
"We're the safest folks in the world" said Miss Maudie. "We're so
rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we've got men like
Atticus to go for us."
--Miss Maudie and Jem talking about Atticus Finch, as
Scout and Dill look on..
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
[CSE 494] Regarding Extra Credit in Project Phase 3
I would like to clarify how the points will be awarded for extra credit in Phase 3. You can pick up a maximum of 10 points as extra credit, and it will be graded on a curve. You may attempt any number of extra credit problems from the problem statement, but please remember that points are awarded for a thorough analysis. Doing a little bit of three different extra credit questions will gain you fewer points than doing one problem thoroughly.
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
Re: questions about today's class
Hello Dr. Rao,I have a question not from today's class but on the topic "need for smoothing" in classification.Why do we consider that if a coin comes up as Heads for 2 million times out of the 3 million tosses, then it should be a biased coin ?Should we not think otherwise that the coin is not actually biased and is just having a bad day because we know for sure that the probability of Heads/Tails if 0.5.--Shaunak ShahOn Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:10 PM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:
folksI couldn't call on several raised hands today. If you remember your questions, feel free to ask me by email andI will respond.(and if I think the question is of general interest I will post my answer to the blog too)rao
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Complications and the Brazil reference..
Re: questions about today's class
If there is a reserve price, isnt it indicating a true value of item? Like in India the tenders are filled in same way (closed sealed, ignoring corruption for a while). The governments sets the reserve price, people bid and the one who is willing to pay highest price is given the project, with the quotation price he gave.
Shubhendra SinghTo: shubhendra singh <>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2011 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: questions about today's classI assume you are talking about "reserve price"--i.e., a price below which the you don't want to sell the item.The way to handle reserve prices is to assume that the seller (in the case of search ads, the search enginer). is also bidding--with the minimum (reserve) prices.If the seller wins, then basically that means there are no bids from others that the seller is willing to take (and so basically the item is not sold).RaoOn Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:23 PM, shubhendra singh <> wrote:In vickrey second auction, is minimum pricing of an item done? I mean for lets say query/keywords, we know the number of hits, we (thinking of we as search engine), we already know how important this query is, Do we decide the minimum quotation for it?
Shubhendra Singh
From: Subbarao Kambhampati <>
To: Rao Kambhampati <>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2011 7:10 PM
Subject: questions about today's class
folksI couldn't call on several raised hands today. If you remember your questions, feel free to ask me by email andI will respond.(and if I think the question is of general interest I will post my answer to the blog too)rao
Re: questions about today's class
In vickrey second auction, is minimum pricing of an item done? I mean for lets say query/keywords, we know the number of hits, we (thinking of we as search engine), we already know how important this query is, Do we decide the minimum quotation for it?
Shubhendra Singh
From: Subbarao Kambhampati <>
To: Rao Kambhampati <>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2011 7:10 PM
Subject: questions about today's class
folksI couldn't call on several raised hands today. If you remember your questions, feel free to ask me by email andI will respond.(and if I think the question is of general interest I will post my answer to the blog too)rao
questions about today's class
[CSE 494] Homework 4, question 1 typo
HW4 question 1 says:
Show the cluster dissimilarity measure (which is defined as the sum of the similarities of docs from their respective cluster centers).
It should read “the sum of the dissimilarities”.
Thanks to the two of you who pointed this out.
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
Monday, November 7, 2011
Added an *optional* homework on social networks as promised
Midterm solutions...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Current cumulatives
Friday, November 4, 2011
Google's Timelier Search Results
Social networks lectures..
- L14 Audio of [March 5, 2010] (
Video of the lecture video part 1 (the first 1hr 5min 4gb) and video part 2 (the remaining 10+ min) Efficient computation of pagerank (and how it is important to not represent the M* matrix explicitly given that it is not sparse); doing block-based pagerank iteration to avoid thrashing, the use of asynchronous pagerank iteration to improve convergence.
[starts at 25min] Social networks start. Connections between link-analysis and the general field of social network analysis. Some iconic examples of social network analysis (Typhoid Mary, Patient Zero, Web graph (and its small-world nature), Offcial florida ballot viral spread, Saddam capture, Aardvark acquisition). Applications of social networks. Graph-based representation and analysis of social entworks. Measures of influence and centrality. Smallworld phenomena--and their examples in kevin bacon game and erdos number. - L15 Audio of [March 9, 2010] (
Video of the lecture video part 1 (the first 1hr 5min 4gb) and video part 2 (the remaining 10+ min) Milgram experiment; six-degrees of separation; (uniform) random networks and their properties; realizing that the small world probability increases sharply to 1 right near k=1; where k is the average (expected) degree of the random network. If human networks are (uniform) random, then they will have small-world phenomena (since k, i.e., average number of friends per person, is almost always greater than 1). Trying to confirm whether large-scale social networks are in fact uniform random by comparing their degree distribution to the Poisson degree distribution expected for random networks. Realizing that most real world network degree distributions instead correspond to negative sloping straightlines in log-log space (which means they are of the form P=1/k^r, which is called powerlaws. Discussion of the properties of power-law disributions (which have long tails that fall off only polynomially rather than exponentially). Implications of long tails on everything from probability of existence of such highly-linked sites as google to the ability of making money selling west wing DVDs and iranian classical music CDs on the web. Discussion of generative models which can result in power law distributions over network degrees.
- L16 Audio of [March 11, 2010] (
Video of the lecture video part 1 (the first 1hr; battery died after that :( ) Attacks vs. disruptions on powerlaw vs. exponential networks; navigation on social networks; applications of social networks; discussion of trust and reputation; trust rank (a page-rank variant); discussion of social search (and aardvark); discussion of othe powerlaws in cse494--zipf's law; heap's law (and even benford's law).
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Bi-annual Grade Anxiety Amelioration Program
I also recognize that people who can't keep up with the demands of the course leave early on (or don't register to begin with--thanks to the miracle of internet-word-of-mouth)--thus I normally don't have the
same kind of bottom distribution as might be present in other classes.
My general advice to anyone who has come up to this point in the course and has done all assignments, and is enjoying the
course, is to de-stress (note the "de" not "di") and continue (unless you need absolute guarantee of an A+). Your personal mileage of course may vary.
ps: If it helps, here are the final cumulatives and the actual reported grades for a previous offering of this course. The first
three are 471 and the rest are 598. This is for illustrative purposes.
There are *no* implicit guarantees that if you get those points, you will get those grades. If you have other questions, feel free to
send me email.
| |
| |
| |
88.40 | A+ |
79.57 | A |
62.83 | B |
| |
91.97 | A+ |
90.61 | A+ |
87.55 | A+ |
85.76 | A |
85.11 | A |
84.34 | A |
84.00 | A |
83.88 | A |
83.85 | A |
81.27 | A- |
79.92 | B+ |
78.76 | B+ |
78.63 | B+ |
74.76 | B |
69.64 | B |
69.35 | B |
You might want to read this easy to read paper on Netflix prize before next class...
office hours cancelled (again!)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Homework on clustering/classification/recommendation systems assigned
No office hours today
midterm marks
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
[Reminder: Talk relevant to the last 1/3rd of CSE 494] Invited Seminar: From Data to Decisions (Ullas Nambiar, IBM IRL; 10/27 11AM; BY 420)
From: Subbarao Kambhampati <>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:36 AM
Subject: Invited Seminar: From Data to Decisions (Ullas Nambiar, IBM IRL; 10/27 11AM; BY 420)
To: Rao Kambhampati <>
Creating a single view of entities of interest is increasingly becoming a requirement for effective insight generation about product/service quality and customer expectations. The explosive growth of data both within an enterprise and outside (Web & Social Media) has made the task of creating a unified view challenging and interesting. In this talk, I will show how Big Data impacts Single View Creation, present use cases that show that the problem is not just that of business but even present in areas of common interest like better traffic management, public safety etc. I will then give a deep dive on a solution that augments enterprise data by extracting relevant information from Web sources.
Dr. Ullas Nambiar is a researcher in the Information Management & Analytics group at IBM Research India. He received a PhD in Computer Science from 2005 from ASU. His research focusses on data integration, analytics and retrieval over distributed heterogeneous sources. He is a Senior Member of ACM. More details are available at
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Invited Seminar: From Data to Decisions (Ullas Nambiar, IBM IRL; 10/27 11AM; BY 420)
Creating a single view of entities of interest is increasingly becoming a requirement for effective insight generation about product/service quality and customer expectations. The explosive growth of data both within an enterprise and outside (Web & Social Media) has made the task of creating a unified view challenging and interesting. In this talk, I will show how Big Data impacts Single View Creation, present use cases that show that the problem is not just that of business but even present in areas of common interest like better traffic management, public safety etc. I will then give a deep dive on a solution that augments enterprise data by extracting relevant information from Web sources.
Dr. Ullas Nambiar is a researcher in the Information Management & Analytics group at IBM Research India. He received a PhD in Computer Science from 2005 from ASU. His research focusses on data integration, analytics and retrieval over distributed heterogeneous sources. He is a Senior Member of ACM. More details are available at
Saturday, October 22, 2011
[CSE 494] Clarification about project - A/H
Sushovan De
Monday, October 17, 2011
*Please* do not spend time on the hidden slides..
Graded homework 2 is available at Sushovan's desk
Homework 2 - Solution for Question 3
The solution for HW2 – Q3 was missing from the solutions. Here it is:
Answer 1
td =
0.2500 0.5300 0.7500
0.7300 0.5000 0.2300
To find the first term of the svd, we find the eigen vectors of td * td'
td * td' =
0.9059 0.6200
0.6200 0.8358
<Eigen vector calculation here>
Eigen vectors of td * td'
The eigen values are 1.4918 and 0.2499
[Note: these might be negative also, that is a valid solution too]
Therefore, the first term of the svd is
-0.7268 0.6869
-0.6869 -0.7268
The second term of the svd is the square root of the eigen values found above
1.2214 0 0
0 0.4999 0
To find the third term of the svd, we find the eigen vectors of td' * td
Td' * td =
0.5954 0.4975 0.3554
0.4975 0.5309 0.5125
0.3554 0.5125 0.6154
<eigen computation>
Eigen vectors are
First eigen vector:
Second eigen vector:
Third eigen vector:
Therefore the third and last term in the svd is
-0.5593 0.7179 -0.4146
-0.5965 -0.0013 0.8026
-0.5756 -0.6962 -0.4290
<But we did not find the right signs for the matrix here, so we need to find this matrix in a different way, (see recent mail sent by Dr Rao)>
Answer 2
After removing the lesser of the two eigen values, your s matrix becomes:
1.2214 0 0
0 0 0
Then to recreate the matrix, you multiply u * s * v'
0.4965 0.5296 0.5110
0.4692 0.5005 0.4829
Does it look close to the original? In my opinion, NO, it does not. We did eliminate a significant part of the variance.
(Also accept a YES answer if it claims that if you scale it properly, you would end up sort of where the original documents were.)
Answer 3
The query vector is q = [1, 0]
In the factor space, it would be q * tf
qf = -0.7268 -0.6869
The documents in the factor space are:
D1: -0.6831 0.3589
D2: -0.7286 -0.0006
D3: -0.7031 -0.3481
The similarities are:
sim(q,D1) = 0.3239
sim(q,D2) = 0.7274
sim(q,D3) = 0.9561
Answer 4
Before the transformation:
After the transformation
Clearly, after the transformation, the documents are easily separable using only one axis (the y-axis). So we can get rid of the x-axis and still differentiate between them
Answer 5
The new values added is a linear combination of the previous keywords, (0.5 * k1 + 0.5 * k2).
It will have absolutely no impact upon the calculations at all
It tells us that svd manages to find the real dimensionality of the data
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
additional office hours for mid-term: 4-5:30pm today (Monday)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Precision-Recall question in Homework 1
In the Precision-Recall question of homework 1, the expected answer is this:
In the slides, the precision recall curve was plotted at specific recall values (0, 0.1, 0.2, etc.). Some of you misinterpreted that to mean “You should plot the precision-recall curve at only those points at which a relevant document is retrieved.” That is not true in general.
Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De
page synopses ==> page snippets..
Writing a Synopsis synopsis. I've placed some great synopsis how-to links and books below. Don't miss the sample synopsis page link. Some Books to Help. Using the links ...
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How to Write a One-Page Synopsis or Treatment |
Feb 16, 2009 – How to Write a One-Page Synopsis or Treatment. If you are trying to sell a screenplay, you will often be asked to submit a "one-sheet" or one ...