Thursday, December 15, 2011

The extra credit points

Here are the extra credit points 

For project extra credit, the points you got are normalized by the total for the regular project and multiplied by the weight
(so if you get 10 extra credit points on a project that is graded for 50 pts, and counts for 10% of your grade, then you get (10/50)*10 = 2 cumulative points)

The UGs got extra credit for doing the midterm at home (it was counted as 3.5 cumulative points)

The UGs also got extra credit if they did the last question on the final ( which counts for [x/100]*15  cumulative points)

The social networks extra credit homework counted for 3.5 cumulative points.

All said there were a maximum of  14 cumulative points that one could have amassed. 

This will likely be the last mail about the class cumulatives. You should be able to find your letter grades from the registrar as and when they get posted.

Wishing you all a wonderful (if all too brief) holiday season. 

(hopefully) final cumulatives


 Here are the final cumulatives for the class.  They contain your final exam marks; project 3 and demo marks and a participation grade. Let us know if you find any errors anywhere
[Note that the final was graded out of 115 for grads and 100 for UG--with the answers to the paper reviews kept as extra credit portion]

I computed the regular cumulative with 5% for participation, 25% for homeworks, 30% for exams and 40% for project. I will try some other weighted averages and take the maximum among those.

I have not computed the extra credit part---given that the grading is relative, adding extra credit to the total at the outset makes extra credit "mandatory". My idea is to set the thresholds first based on regular marks and
then consider bumping your grade based on your extra credit points. 

I normally ask the students at the top of the ladder in the 494 and 598 sections to suggest grade cutoffs for their respective sections. I offer the same chance to the current two top candidates. 
(of course, this is only advisory--but does give me useful input in that the students know the comparative level of difficulty of the class).


Monday, December 12, 2011

Submitting the final


 You can submit the final in hard copy by just pushing it under my door (BY 560). If you come after 8AM, the department front desk should be open and you can also submit it there telling them that it is for me.

Please don't speed on the roads on my account; +/- a few minutes is fine. 


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Clarification re: I.2

More than one person seems to have been confused by the word "learning"  in I.2 below. 
What I am asking is whether the information extracted by most IE (information extraction) methods are meant to be stored in RDF or OWL format.

 Semantic web has RDF and OWL standards for specifying structure. Information 
extraction aims to extract structure rather than wait for it being manually specified. Are 
current day IE approaches aimed at learning what is normally specified in RDF or in 
OWL? Why?

Re: Clarification on Qn VIII

yes both are per click.


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Kalin Jonas <> wrote:
I notice you replaced A's pay rate with per-click, did you also mean to replace B's rate with per-click?

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:
In the first part of the question VIII, please change "per impression" to "per click" (basically, the advertiser won't pay
unless the user actually goes to the advertiser's page by clicking on the ad)

VIII. [3+3] A search engine has bids on advertisements from two advertisers, A and B. 
Assume that A and B want their ads to be shown w.r.t the same query Q.  Suppose further 
that the search engine cannot show more than one advertisement. A is willing to pay 20c 
per XXimpressionXX click   . B is willing to pay 10c per impression.  How should the search engine 
decide as to whose ad it should show? Pay particular attention to whether the  search 
engine has all the information to make a decision, and if it needs more information, how 
it will get it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Clarification on Qn VIII

In the first part of the question VIII, please change "per impression" to "per click" (basically, the advertiser won't pay
unless the user actually goes to the advertiser's page by clicking on the ad)

VIII. [3+3] A search engine has bids on advertisements from two advertisers, A and B. 
Assume that A and B want their ads to be shown w.r.t the same query Q.  Suppose further 
that the search engine cannot show more than one advertisement. A is willing to pay 20c 
per XXimpressionXX click   . B is willing to pay 10c per impression.  How should the search engine 
decide as to whose ad it should show? Pay particular attention to whether the  search 
engine has all the information to make a decision, and if it needs more information, how 
it will get it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

one of the search engine projects from the class

Hi all:

 Sushovan, the TA, came and asked me to check out the project by one of the students in the class. 

The project is by Sathishkumar Poornachandran

The student seems to have done a pretty slick job--with online query completion thrown in. If only he had the page snippets too ;-)



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final released...


 The CSE494/598 Take home final is released. You can access it from the URL 

Please carefully read and follow the instructions about the honor-code that applies to this take home. You are essentially allowed only to 
use the class notes, lectures, and ask me for clarifications. NO discussions with other humans or web-trawling for answers is allowed.
Your signature on the first page serves as your oath that you followed these rules. 

Please also check back this URL for any errata/modifications to the final (I will also send emails if there are any errors found).

(Released 8:35AM on Thursday 12/8; Due back in hardcopy Monday 12/12 9AM)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Heads up on the last question of the exam..

I have the exam pretty much set--I will release it tomorrow morning.

For 598 students who are night owls, here is the last question on the exam (which is only required for 598 students; and is extra-credit for 494 ones).
You can get a head start if you want.



 [IX] [15pt] [Required for 598 students. Optional-extra-credit for 494 ones]

For the purposes of this question, assume that you are planning to pick a topic for your next research paper (presumably because you want to make progress towards your dissertation/thesis). Here is the link to the proceedings of WWW 2011


Suppose you are trying to work on extending one of these papers. Select a paper. Read at least the abstract and introduction. Now, use only the space given to answer:


·       In your words write down what the paper is trying to do and how it is related to what we discussed in the course. 





















·      What follow-on work would you be interested in doing on the paper and why?










[Corrected] Re: Solutions for the social networks extra credit homework posted

There was an error in the solutions that were posted; please download the link again to get the correct version


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:
I didn't have the solution for the last question. basically, you should see a straight line (or close to one) if you plot
# citations w.r.t. rank. 

The slope of that closest fit line is the r


final exam will be take home


 This is just to confirm that the final will be take-home. The exam itself will be almost in the in-class style, you will have to answer questions in the
space provided, and submit it.  You just get to do it at home. 

I am planning to release it by tomorrow (Thu), and it will be due Monday morning. 


fulton course evaluations


 I understand that today is the last day for the fulton course evaluations. You should have received mails on it.  I would encourage you all to take time to do them--as those are the most useful feedback I get about how the course went.

 (Just so you know, instructors will get those only sometime in January--*and* they will be anonymous--so you don't need to worry that it might affect your grade ;-)


Solutions for the social networks extra credit homework posted

I didn't have the solution for the last question. basically, you should see a straight line (or close to one) if you plot
# citations w.r.t. rank. 

The slope of that closest fit line is the r


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Class participation questionnaire--please bring it in hard-copy to Tuesday's class

Please print the attached questionnaire, fill it and bring it to Tuesday's class. 

If you don't turn it in on Tuesday, I will have no statistics to judge your class participation by. 


Poll on Final Exam format

Please vote on your preference for the final exam format (in-class vs. take-home) at

Vote early, but not often (I ask for your name as part of the vote so I know you don't vote more than once :)


Friday, December 2, 2011

[CSE494] Signup link for demo slots

Here is the link to sign up for demo slots. Please just put in a fake phone number when signing up.


To reiterate, each demo slot will be 10-12 minutes long, and will involve you running some queries using all of the parts of the project you implemented and telling me about any extra credit parts you implemented. All the demos will be held in BYENG 558 (the office right next to Dr Rao’s.)


Thanks and Regards,

Sushovan De


[CSE 494] Demo time slots registration will open 5pm today

Just a quick heads up – at 5:30pm today, I will send out a link that will allow you to register for time slots for the demo. The demo slots are Monday to Friday all next week (12/5 – 12/9), between 1 and 4pm. Each demo will be 10 to 12 minutes long, and I will ask you to run a few sample queries on every part of the project and tell me about any extra credit you have implemented.


Thanks and Regards,

Sushovan De


DUE: 12/6: Mandatory Interactive Review Blog qn (You should post your answer as a comment to this thread )

"List five nontrivial ideas you came to appreciate during the course of this semester"
(You cannot list generic statements like "I thought pagerank was cool".  Any cross-topic connections
you saw are particularly welcome. )

Note that you must post your response as a comment to this particular message on the class blog
All comments must be done by the beginning of Tuesday's class (12/6). 

If you have forgotten what we have done, see the class home page for a description. 
