Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Re: CSE 598 : IR -- Dating app based on Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, And Facebook Data

Thanks for letting me know!

 Since the lecture with that idea is recorded and is on youtube,
I wonder if I can get these Yokels to fork over some pre-IPO options for me.. 


On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Abhishek Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Prof,
I took the IR course offered by you last semester.
In one of the lectures related to collaborative filtering, you were talking about an idea that
Amazon can use collaborative filtering to suggest soul mates.
There is a new app, Yoke, which is based on that idea. 

Abhishek Kumar
Graduate Student
Arizona State University
Mobile: 480-381-0004

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Streaming videos of cse494 (albeit a bit late for you ..)

Thought this may be of interest to some of you. 

I was able to upload most of the cse494 videos to youtube. They are now linked to the class page and are streamable and random-accessible. 
